Friday, December 21, 2007


Here it is:

List of guilts, possible action plans:
  • That I have not done anything in the past.
    • Everytime you remember that you have not done anything in the past, do also remember that it can only be alleviated by doing something NOW. There cannot be any better way of healing the past.
    • One more thing to not feel bad about this is - to think of building yourself by making use of as many things from past as possible like reusing goal list - for example.
  • That I cannot achieve anything - a direct corollary of the above one.
    • Think about the work done during the canned project. Think about the work done as a part of TA ship. Think about the script you wrote to your friend. It all shows that you too can do anything, provided you completely believe that you can achieve it.
  • That I don't plan my day and even if I plan my day - I don't stick to my plan.
    • Get the nearest goal and clearly define its ends. Now for each end, which is defined clearly, prepare a set of actions. Store all these in a place that you are sure to visit time and again. You fully know what your nearest goal is.
  • That I keep committing the same mistakes again and again.
    • Every time you become conscious of the same mistake committed again, goto your log and increment the counter for that mistake. This is the best way to become fully aware of doing the same mistake again.
  • That I am sitting on the fence between atheism and religion.
    • Ignore it for the moment. It will take time to understand this.
  • That I am not interested in anything and don't find meaning in anything.
    • No, this is a lie. You are interested in a lot of things. You are interested in programming, you are interested in problem solving, you are interested in getting organized, you are interested in becoming a critical thinker, you are interested in hacking, you are interested in knowing something about everything, you are interested in achieving a balance in life, you are interested in a strong body, you are interested in photography, you are interested in travelling, you are interested in meditation, you are interested in humor, you are interested in building trustworthy relationships, you are interested in becoming a professional, you are interested in getting a beautiful {l,w}ife, you are interested in sex, you are interested in GETTING THINGS DONE - WHATEVER IT TAKES, you are very much interested in seeing the best of you.
  • That I waste my time a lot by futile gestures.
    • Having something solid in plan to do - will not give you time for futile gestures.
  • That I feel inferior to almost all others.
    • No, this is also a lie. You are not inferior. You care about somethings that others generally don't care, you are generous, civilized. You are not consuming too much in this world.
    • The best way to take away this feeling from you is - to do something concrete.
  • That I don't have a goal to achieve in my life.
    • It is high time you get a goal for yourself. Have different facets of life and achieve goals for those different facets.
    • Go read past books where you have written goals and re-use them. In that way you will feel positive that whatever you have done in the past has not gone waste.
  • That you don't work in office and don't like to, either.
    • This is partly because of lack of planning, because of lack of respect for work, because of hate for both work and people.
    • Think of the things that would make you feel good after you finish the work. Think of the ways of looking at work that will let you get both generic skills as well as get the work done in the work's context.
  • A sudden sense of forgetfulness, depression and solitude.
  • A lack of confidence in self.
  • Feeling weak at the sight of exercise problems.