Thursday, August 9, 2007

What a disgusting day

Today was the most disappointing day. Shows some careless, shabby attitude that one is internally from. He kept seeing me. I really don't know why. Nevertheless, he was superb. He was fantastic. He was very caring. I was not that caring. I was jovial. I did not prepare well for the demo.

Something to think about. If one is really that shabby, then what use it is of a person in a project?
If one wants to rise to such heights, then one has to be really disciplined, committed and highly motivated enough.

First stop hating the job you are doing. That will ease the psyche off some tension and gives more joy. You are running a rat race. In fact, you don't even know which race you are running. That is a very bad thing. Whatever you see, you want it. Like a child. This is the big sucker of your time and energy. What should you be doing about it? Have goals. I was reading Robin Harris and he said analyzing the architecture is not his competence and requested someone to do that. He is clear about his job. He is clear about his core competencies. I am not clear about my goals. I am not clear about my core competencies. I should have some solid goals and need to have courage to follow my goals. For that you need to be very caring at your work. Do whatever you do with utmost care and love. It will give a lot of happiness. Start doing that first.