Sunday, August 5, 2007


What is my vision? (Now I have asked this question a lot of times and has cribbed about it a lot of times too). Or probably, the question I am asking is wrong.

If we use a divide and conquer approach, then there are many facets of life - professional, personal, social, physical, mental, spiritual. I can set vision for all of these facets. And recently I have given myself a 5 year time frame to change myself completely.

I find it rot to set a boring vision statement and move ahead. And whenever I think that I am 26, I don't find it so exciting to move into 30s, 40s and further into future. Because the future looks blank to me. I don't see a clear roadmap for my life. It seems mechanical to set a mission statement and set corresponding goals and move ahead. Lets analyze why I am so. Whenever I see somebody who is more stronger, having a good face, more fairer, having a girl friend, I feel very inferior to that person and wish I were that person. I know it does not make sense, I know my life is unique in every sense, but still I do that and feel depressed. May be it is because of strong neural network patterns, but that is the case.

Which aspects of your life are shallow? Which needs filling? If I may say so, everything. All aspects are shallow. This may not be a reality, but atleast that is what my mind perceives.

Things should always come top down. The big picture should be clear, first. Then we need to define goals that set us for the journey to that destiny that we envisaged.

After all, ultimately a person wants to be happy. If he is not happy, then there is no point in doing anything. There is a big difference between short term happiness and long term happiness. To get long term (and lasting) happiness, we need to give up short term happiness. If there is something that is finite in our lives, then that is time. Time is the only limiting resource that persuades us to make a choice among a set of possible alternatives.

I know that somethings can make me happy. Somethings can make me happy in the short term and somethings can make me, in the long term. But as I already said, achieving/pursuing short term happiness will trade long term happiness. By suffering to avoid short term happiness, we get long term happiness. Long term happiness cannot be gotten without a vision in life. Where as short term happiness can be gotten without a vision. I mean I can watch a movie, can have fun, can sleep well for long hours, can squander away my time without any incident. But long term happiness is something different. It is achieved only if man finds the purpose in his life, achieving which man accomplishes a sense of meaning for his life. Identifying that purpose and striving to achieve that purpose is what gives happiness. That happiness only/alone is worth it.

Man always finds a voidness in his life. That is just felt. It wont be so clear to him has to what is that voidness. That voidness returns as soon as the short term happiness fades away. If we try to fill that voidness by pursuing more short term happiness, then it will bring more voidness that leads to more disappointment. Once the mind is in a low vibration state, it continues to be in that state, unless some external force is applied. The external force should not be short term happiness, but a striving effort to find the long term purpose that fills the voidness in life.

In some ways, I can trust my instincts. If my instincts says that something is wrong or something is missing, then if not believing it blindly, I can atleast put some effort to verify such a claim (put forth by my inner me). Now why I am saying this? Because, I think I can use my instincts to guide my life. I can listen to what my instincts say about my vision and can follow it. May be I will be happy if I listen to my inner me and follow its instructions. In short, I can use it to set my vision.

There is some other thing in our minds called the spirit. Happiness is tied to it. No amount of non-spiritual stuff can make a person happy. I somehow suspect that spirit is closely tied to meaning in life. Once the meaning is accomplished, spirit is also kept high and it gives a lot of happiness.

If I want to trust my instincts, then I should not get swayed by others' actions. I will always have to trust my instinct. I should do what it says.