..in my life. I get swayed by things very easily. I have made my mind sponge for the entire duration of my past. It absorbs things very easily. It kind of tries to apply things onto itself. This is not good.
Like everybody else, I want recognition. I want to be recognized. Thanks to my culture, I never get to spend time with a girl and share myself before my marriage. That is one shallow thing in my life that continuously bugs me. After all isn't it in our instincts to mate? What else satisfies our egos more than mating with the opposite sex? Why is it recognized as a bad thing in our society? Why does the Indian society suppress it so badly? At least in this respect, most of the western societies have matured a lot. That suppressed feeling comes out in different ways (and the business sector cashes it in different ways too) and does not let an average minded Indian youth to give importance to education and his own life in the teenage. This has some serious implications.
Apart from that, I need to consistently chat with myself for some considerable amount of time. I want to pen down my thoughts vividly. It helps me to clear my mind and form a vision for my life. Yes, a vision is necessary. As the saying goes, plans are of no use, but planning is essential. I need to have a vision. Only with a vision, only with some precisely set goals can I act consistently. Just today, I saw a quote by Benjamin Disrael, the secret of success is the consistence of purpose.