Got a perspective on why meditation is important. Generally it is the impulsive reaction to things that causes stress, disappointment, depression - for example, we may feel like saying something (or not saying something!!) but later regret for it. We may feel like beating up somebody but regret for it, we may feel like doing it, but regret later. In all these examples, it is the impulsive mind that causes us to spring into action (or inaction!) which we would not have done if we are conscious and controlled about what we are doing.
That is where meditation comes in. Meditation is just active consciousness. Meditation is basically focusing on something intensely. If we diverge, we calmly bring our minds back onto the thing we are focusing. By repeatedly doing this, we become quite aware of ourselves as to why we do somethings (or not do somethings). We begin to slowly understand ourselves and learn to be at peace with ourselves. All it takes is some practice.
And one more revelation is that meditation need not be allocated some time for it. Meditation can be done while you are on move, can be done while you are working, can also be done while you are talking or about to get to sleep. But these won't be peaceful meditations as bringing focus onto something becomes a bit difficult in these cases.
So, the point to be carried away is that I should learn to meditate.