you will see the same good old things daily around you, so it will raise the same bad old impulses, thoughts and hence the same bad old states of mind, but only if you are less awake.
But if we are more awake, things will change. Of course, you will still see the same good old things around you, but YOU WILL NOT ALLOW THE SAME BAD OLD IMPULSES AND THOUGHTS TO RAISE. You will force yourself to interpret the things in a different way - that wont hurt your mental health and helps you move forward. We have to make sure that we are more aware or more awake. Buddha, the illustrious one, used to say I too am a human, but I am just more awake than others.
How can we be more awake? More aware? For that do something weird. Wear a watch on the other hand, mark something on your hand, wear a band and such other crazy thing that will raise your consciousness anywhere, anytime. That way, you will remember that you have to be awake and want to interpret things differently.