Sunday, May 27, 2007


Disappointment comes from either expecting too much from the self and not getting it or not committed enough to achieve the things planned. Disappointment comes from the sudden appearance of unexpected things and our sporadic reaction to them. This can take many forms. A seemingly unfitting one would be to have idle time, seek out things randomly, see/experience an unexpected one and behave sporadically. An idle mind (not able to see what next) is also a cause of disappointment. Spinning things in mind without getting them done is another cause for disappointment. Every time if comes to the mind, it reminds us that we are the same old person that we used to be and that there is no apparent change. The things can be anything. It can be bad habits, it can be fears, it can be pending todo things, it can be inferiority complexes, it can be bad memories so on and so forth. Of all disappointment comes from the lack of emotional intelligence. Our ability, or rather our inability, to respond appropriately to an impulse. The impulses are the ones that are mentioned above. The response is disappointment. So long as our response it bad, bad things cherish in our minds. Some way has to be found to change our response. One has to create a really good state of things(us, our things, our people) and convert all our responses to impulses as leading to our desired state. In that way all our thoughts, feelings always create positive energy in our minds as well as body. The challenge lies in taking all the seemingly (with the current state of mind) negative things and convert them (or rather reconfigure our minds' neural networks) to look like positive things ending up with a grin on the face. It is like using the same neural networks to change themselves. That is the power of consciousness. I will have to start thinking about these reconfigurations.